Friday, January 27, 2012

Knitting Postcard

Antique postcard from Mrs. Relics' Mother. Mrs. Relic found it inside the cover of Tina Fey's Bossypants that she was borrowing from Mother. Turns out Mrs. Relics' Sister pulled it out of the albums full of antique postcards she's going to try to sell on Mother's behalf.
"I Have Many Yarns To Tell You About" on front the back has "Post Card." above divided: "This space may be used for correspondence" on the left and " The address only written here" on the right.
[acq. 1/27/12 - $0]

Copyrighted by R.L Wells, 1906
Of course, according to US copyright law everything before 1923 is public domain now.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tabletop Record Player

Columbia 360 record player. Originally was blonde wood but has been poorly painted black. It works!
[acq. 1/14/12 - $15]

The inside shows the original finish.

This close up shows the horrible black paint job. We've decided to try to refinish it.

It plays 78s, so we can try some of the old records from the farm.
The name 360 apparently comes from these side speakers which fill the room with sound in 360 directions!
Removable 45 spindle.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sikes Company Chair

This is an approximately 100 year old arm chair from The Sikes Company - Philadelphia, PA. We found this surprisingly underpriced at a shockingly overpriced thrift store.
[acq. 1/11 - $12.12]

We love the solid stance

The label is black and orange and says "The Sikes Company, Phila. Branch Philadelphia, PA."

There is a yellow stencil that appears to read "Birch Mahogany" and a large chalk "13"